We think you will find that Mississippi is one of the best states you could have chosen to practice this wonderful profession. We have some of the best Scope of Practice laws and a strong, well connected State Association and Board of Examiners. We have enjoyed a long history of success in the legislature and in tackling problems that many other states face. This is YOUR association and practicing here is a privilege because of all the hard work that others have done on your behalf. Help be a part of the continued success of Chiropractic in Mississippi. Others are depending on you to further Chiropractic in Mississippi. Join...get involved and do your part!
New Doctor Checklist Use this guide to make sure you get your practice up and running!
Following are suggetions and information for getting your practice started.
1. Contact the Mississppi State Board of Examiners with your clinic information. Complete and submit your Office Information Sheet.
2. Register your CAs and RTs with MSBCE
3. Submit your Mississippi Chiropractic Association Application
4. Obtain Tax ID# from the IRS
5. Apply for Provider number from: BlueCross Blue Shield of Mississippi